About the Founder

Vanessa Santiago

Wepa Pink was formed after I received my breast cancer diagnosis. I sat confused, not understanding the lab results, and I didn’t know how else to feel other than overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. I felt like I was drowning in misinformation of the options I had to maintain my active and what I considered a healthy quality of life.

However, I soon understood that I was making decisions based on fear rather than based on knowledge. While speaking to other women with breast cancer, they expressed the same feelings, as well as noticing that there was a beneficial component missing: Nutritional Education. As a Nutrition Educator myself, I felt the urge to educate myself more on the power and healing benefits of nutrition and sought out unconventional options to stay positive, win the battle and to now be able to share it with as many women as possible!

About Us

Truly care about helping other women

Our Vision

To be a safe space where women across the globe are able to turn fear into strength when facing a breast cancer diagnosis to ultimately become women that make decisions based on knowledge over fear.

Our Mission

To empower women so they can feel safe, confident and live a better quality of life through education, providing financial assistance for holistic treatments, and support that is readily accessible to them.